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上 bmw e28 m535i 219538-Bmw e28 m535i

 BMW M535i E28 1984 TestDrive Of all the cars here, the M535i most strongly demonstrates the difference in tastes between the Seventies and Eighties In the previous decade it was comfort and luxury that sold cars Buyers aspired to loll on the squashy leather of a Jaguar or Cadillac, and if a Ford or Vauxhall wanted to convey an upmarket air The March 10 issue of BMW Car Magazine is a 5series special, which includes a comparison between the E28 M5 and M535i An interesting read about two iconic cars, but I'm surprised by their conclusion is the M5 really too much of a beast for everyday road use?M5thumbsAmounts shown in italicised text are for items listed in currency other than Euros and are approximate conversions to Euros based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates For more recen Bmw E28 M535i New Exhaust Youtube Bmw e28 m535i

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